Paper selection and Peer review

Manuscripts submitted by the author via online are reviewed by the ICBS2022 Committee Team. Furthermore, if it meets the requirements of ICBS 2022 in terms of scope, originality, evaluation of the novelty of experimental data, format, and similarity of not more than 20%, the article will then be presented in ICBS 2022. Articles that have been presented are reviewed in a Blind Review Process by reviewers . Two weeks is the time allotted to peer reviewers for scripts. Once the review process is complete, the assigned ICBS 2022 Team makes a decision for the article. If the article needs to be revised, the manuscript is returned to the author for revision. This process takes one month (maximum time). If the decision is a major revision or resubmission, the revised manuscript that has been resubmitted by the sender is sent back to the previous peer reviewer for Review. In reviewed manuscripts, peer reviewers will be judged based on substantial and technical aspects. Assignment of peer reviewers based on expertise and experience in research and publications relevant to the field of manuscripts to be reviewed.